Sunday, 26 August 2018

Media Misrepresentation Forty-Four Years On

CHAT #44 (30 October 2014, pages 48-49)

Forty-four years since the Highgate Vampire case went public - and they were still getting it wrong!

I really cannot understand why Chat magazine has to mention me when it gets so much wrong. Natasha Wynarczyk did not contact me and certainly did not quote accurately from my book The Highgate Vampire (which, of course, she does not identify), assuming, that is, she has ever read it in the first place. Unfortunately, wrong attributions and unnecessary inaccuracies permeate her article in a widely read magazine from start to finish.

I am accused of "decrying" Farrant's "expertise" which is palpable nonsense. What expertise, one might wonder? Farrant once claimed to be a witch and is nowadays an atheist on the outside while inside every bit the Luciferian. I am a traditionalist and have always held strong Christian beliefs. As we each subscribe to entirely different belief systems, his modus operandi and mine are entirely different. He does not believe in the existence of vampires, something he makes very clear on his website and in interviews he has given down the years. Yet now he has become a "vampire expert."

There is a picture of a crucifix and stake, captioned "Tools of the trade -vampire hunting kit," which are part of a vast collection of accoutrements held by me. The Stock Photo archive would have identified this fact, but Chat magazine did not for some mysterious reason. Thus the stake and crucifix image is published alongside and across an image of Farrant who is captioned "vampire expert" when he is nothing of the sort and, moreover, does not claim any expertise in the subject.

Dates and descriptions of alleged incidents and facts are all over the place in Natasha Wynarczyk's sensationalist article, rendering it no more than entertainment for Hallowe'en, albeit misinforming readers of what really occurred, and little else. I would much prefer that any future reference to me by the media be omitted, but we know that is not going to happen. I understand it would be a little difficult in view of the fact that I am the person who led the investigation into the case and exorcised the predatory entity in the 1970s (not mentioned, of course, in Wynarczyk's article). The bottom line is that I steer clear of publicity, whereas the other fellow does not. Quite the opposite. In fact, he seeks it out at every available opportunity. Hence Chat is content to cobble together whatever they can lay their hands on without a care for what is on public record as actually transpiring, resulting in the shambles we end up with in Natasha Wynarczyk's unresearched article.

In May of the same year, Chat magazine had published yet another article featuring Farrant as a "vampire hunter," this time adding the oleaginous figure of self-styled "ghost hunter" Mickey Gocool to the mix. Gocool has a history of fawning over Farrant in the most obsequious manner imaginable.

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